Month: September 2015

FlightMap 2.9.0 Released to the Play Store

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Over the past few months I have seen an increase in application crashes due to memory issues. Almost all of these crashes were deep in the Google Maps library which FlightMap uses for the map view. This was caused by an update to the Google Play Services on the user’s tablet in July. I have made a number of changes to FlightMap to mitigate this problem and I believe I have worked around it.

Google has been making a lot of changes to Android over the last year and FlightMap and FlightGauge will continue to get updates to keep in line with these changes. My day job and life have slowed updates down a bit but I do have plans for updates to both applications in the near future.

On a different note, I have had to remove the country of Japan from countries FlightMap and FlightGauge are sold in. As of October 1st individuals are required to pay taxes directly to the Japanese government and I do not have the resources to deal with this. If you are a user from Japan you will still be able to use the application I just won’t be selling it in that country any more and I am truly sorry for this.