Month: May 2018

FlightMap and FlightGauge Removed from Sale

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I can hardly believe it’s been 8 years since FlightMap was released to the play store. I want to thank everyone who has supported the apps over the years. I can’t tell you how much I learned and how much fun I had building these apps. Unfortunately, I have very little choice but to remove the apps from sale. I do not have the resources to continue feature development any longer along with other issues.

What does this mean for the users?

  • If you have purchased the apps they will remain in your google play library and you can continue to use them however you like. I am not taking the apps off the store I am only removing them from sale.
  • If you are looking to purchase the apps there is no way to do so now.
  • I can still push releases if there is a bug or issue is found. I am not stopping support for the app at this time. If you have any issues please continue to use the contact form

So what about the future…

I am contemplating what to do and there is a very real possibility I open source everything. Before doing that I have some research to do with regards to the google maps api licensing and other issues. You may see FlightGauge open sourced first as it doesn’t have any external resources.

I want to thank everyone again for all of the support over the years. Stay tuned as I figure out what to do with the apps going forward.